Article 1. Starting time & chartering:

The owner agrees to charter the vessel for the period referred to the component authority charter and starts from the reported time at the starting date and ending on the said delivery time on the day of delivery for the mentioned amount.

Article 2. Shipping area: 

The area that the cruise is permitted and takes part in is the area of the Aegean Sea and around Mykonos island.

Article 3. Rates & payment:

The agreed rate for the selected cruise has to be paid prior to the cruise date. In the case the cruise is on the given date the whole amount has to be paid upfront before the start of the itinerary.

Article 4. Modification or possible amendments:

The owner makes no guarantee as to the use and comfort of the vessel in case of bad weather for navigation of the sections within the selected navigation area. However, the skipper accepts that he will use his best efforts to navigate the vessel to safe ports and anchorages within the limits of the agreed route. The cruise schedule may vary at the captain's discretion, depending on weather conditions and other necessary navigation and
mooring techniques. The captain may make any decision he deems appropriate to ensure the safety of navigation and may change the schedule and method of reaching intended destinations that would be difficult to achieve, impracticable, or unavailable. The charterer and participants cannot claim compensation for any damage or inconvenience caused by the above mentioned situations and reasons. The charterer and participants are fully aware of the risks that a cruise by boat may entail. In an accident that is not the skipper's fault, the injured person cannot claim compensation. Therefore, it would be advisable to take out personal accident insurance.

Article 5. Obligations of the charterer & the participants:

The charterer and participants must inform the skipper before embarking on any health problems, allergies to medicines and food, mobility problems or other particularities, or if they cannot swim. The charterer and participants are obliged to accept any decision that the skipper deems appropriate for their safety, respect the positions they have been assigned on board, and wear their life jackets. The charterer and the participants expressly undertake not to engage in any trade, not to carry weapons, explosives, or drugs, not even for personal use. Suppose the charterer or any participant violates the applicable laws or regulations. In that case, this will result in legal sanctions against him/her up to and including his/her arrest, and consequently, he/she is obliged to compensate the owner for any losses, damages, or charges. These incidents shall be considered sufficient cause for the owner to consider enough cause for the cancellation of the signed agreement and the immediate dismissal of the participant responsible. And in no position to claim damages.

Article 6. Injuries & damages:

In the event of unexpected breakdowns or damage requiring immediate repair of the vessel, the charterer and participants will not be able to claim a refund. However, depending on the time the damage occurred and the remaining time of the cruise, the CHARTERER may choose to repeat the cruise on another available day and time.

Article 7. Cancellation by the shipowner:

In case of cancellation on the part of the VESSEL OWNER for unforeseen reasons, personal nature, urgent health reasons, etc., the VESSEL OWNER must immediately inform the charterer, who will have the right to choose the next scheduled charter of the vessel. However, the owner shall not be obliged to refund to the charterer the amount corresponding to the hours of delay in proportion to the total amount of the charter.

Article 8. Cancellation by the charterer:

In case of cancellation by the Charterer, the Charterer shall immediately inform the SHIPPING COMPANY in writing, giving its details. If the cancellation is notified 3 or less than 3 days before embarkation, a percentage (0%) of the amount deposited as a booking fee will not be refunded. If the cancellation is noted 3-7 days before boarding, 25% of the amount will be refunded. If the cancellation is notified within 8-15 days from boarding, 50% of the amount will be refunded. In case the cancellation is notified from 16-29 days from boarding, then 75% of the amount will be refunded For bookings cancelled 30 days before boarding, 100% of the total amount deposited as booking fee will be refunded. In case of a change of cruise dates, it can be done free of charge, subject to vessel availability. The cancellation policy may be canceled at any time.

Article 9. Running costs:

The agreed price includes costs for port fees, water, drinks, food and other necessary supplies as well as the cost of fuel.

Article 10. Jurisdiction:

For matters not covered herein, reference is made to applicable laws and regulations. In any dispute, the Courts of Greece shall have exclusive jurisdiction.